Home >> Projects >> Dry Bulk Terminals

Dry bulk terminal facilities are specialised, each requiring tailored solutions from port storage, to reclaiming, conveyors, transfer towers, trippers and ship loaders. The diversity of solutions is evidenced by the modes of delivery of cargo to dry bulk ships from the more conventional rail, road, containers on rail to slurry pipelines. Our experience in dry bulk terminals includes:

A key measure of success is that rehabilitation works are non-intrusive, cost-effective and are tailored to meet the client’s life extension objectives. Upgrade works require careful planning to efficiently derive and deliver an appropriate, lasting and economic solution without undue disruption in the interim.


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Our experience extends through all aspects of Port design, Engineering, Planning and Project Management. We deliver exceptional outcomes for our clients and partners through our quality planning, design, implementation and expertise.

Leverage our unique array of skills, experience and proven strategies to help your team deliver successful ports and maritime project outcomes.

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